This morning I got to meet a new klr rider named Peter. He found me on and seen we live near each other. Very nice guy and definitely looking to hang out with him some more.
My buddy Jim met us up at the Pancake Cafe.From L to R. Peter, Jim, and me, Jon. Thanks for the pic Peter!!

Jim looking lost and can't find his bike!! :)

This trail is along the I&M canal and were not really allowed to be on it. The thing is they built I-355 extension by it and have not put the no trespassing signs. It starts in lemont and ends in Romeoville at 135st. About 6 round trip because you have to back track due to a gate on the Romeoville side. Surface is all gravel and crushed limestone with some big dips.
I don't really know what that abandoned broken machine is for, maybe some type of gravel hopper??

As for the front fork mod, I would do it again. No more fork dive and feels planted under the brakes. Off the road the forks may be a little harsh over high speed bumps but there never bottoming out like I had them doing before. Very cheap mod with great results!!!