The camping weekend finally came last week and it was pretty good. The deal was to hit the cheese trail that starts for us in Monroe WI. Here's some info on the trail ---
Tri County trail.

Little stop in Paw Paw IL to get a up close view of the wind generators for a true green power.

I can't understand why the people in Dekalb county are protesting the generators so madly. You have to be right under them to hear them at all. I can see that they change the landscape but in reality so did the corn fields. It used to be great plains of grass and trees, right! I don't get the fuss. Besides all this it's amazing how huge the blades are when your right there staring up.

We had to pick up a trail sticker to pay for the upkeep and use. only fifteen bucks for fifty miles of fun. The surprise at the gas station was Tigerlady was filling up and taking a break when we showed up. She used to be on
open road radio here in Chicago about ten years ago. I think I creeped her out that I recognized her but I never forget peoples faces. I know I did meet her at a HD show and maybe when I worked at the
Art of The Motorcycle at the Field Museum. Wow I just looked that up and it was ten years ago!! :O

Just a little gear adjustment since the trail was a little rough in spots.

I really liked the trail since the KLR isn't the most nimble think to ride. Simple trail and the surface is mostly crushed limestone. The only tricky parts was the gravel that they used to repair sections that varied from golf ball sized gravel to more crushed stone. The golf ball sized gravel was a little tricky when you would run into it at 30MPH and it was three inches thick. Can you say SURPRISE!! Lucky for the three of us all did some wallowing but no one dropped it. The sad part was we were the only motorcycles on the trail. All ATV's and Utility vehicles.

Now for camping---something that is not my favorite thing, only because I have a hard time sleeping in a place I can't lock a door to be secure. Got to get over that at some point.
We were gonna stay at the Yellowstone lake state park but they were maxed out. So we went down the street to
Yellowstone Lake Chalet campgrounds. They only charged us twelve bucks for three tents and we had the whole back of the ground to ourselves.

The KLR all nice and dirty. I was aiming for any mud on the trail!! :) After we dropped all the gear we ran back to the tail and overlapped some of what we did with the gear and finished it off in Mineral Point.

Just one shot of Yellowstone lake.

No point of camping if your not gonna have a fire.

Nice pic of the three of us chilling out after some beer. Tom (black shirt) looks weird in the pic because the heat from the fire is in front of him.

Gonna do this again at the end of September when the weather will give it's best sleeping temperatures.