Monday, December 24, 2012

Rockets Away!

I've been reliving my childhood a bit with some rockets. Just something to keep my A.D.D. .mind happy over the winter months while motorcycle therapy sessions get fewer.


Erik R said...

So, did you ever recover it? I used to have a few of the Estes rockets when I was growing up. They were pretty fun. My neighborhood had too many big trees, so we had to go a block or 2 over and launch them out of the Elementary school playground.
Ahhh memories....

Roger said...

You have way to much timie on your hands..cough cough...all the best to you and your family this Christmas from down under.

FATTKAW said...

thanks Roger, I hope the holidays bring you some bike goodies.

Yes Erik we did get them back and I'm lucky that we have a farm field down the street. the bigger the field the bigger the engine! :)