Saturday was just a simple visit back out to the Cheese Trail that starts in Monroe WI. The temps were low in the morning so I put the KLR in the back of my truck and hauled her there. It was still only 40F when I got to the trail-head and my winter gear was perfect. Also the parking lot only had two other trucks parked so I knew the trail would be quiet.
Just a beautiful day to kick back and ride by myself and not worry about what anyone else needs or wants.
Holy cow!!
This girl must be the troublemaker of the gang with the bell around her neck. She was the only one who didn't get up and move away from me. She actually got closer to see what I was up to. Once she checked me out, all the other cows went into a mooing frenzy and slowly started to gather to the fence I was shooting at. It was neat at first and made for some nice photos but it made me a little nervous with thirty plus cows up against a old dilapidated barbwire fence. They either wanted out or food.
Fall colors were mostly down and lining the trail in a guided path of gold, red and browns for a day spent in a little Zen moment that might have to satisfy me till spring decides come back around.
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