Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Game

     Yeah it's a new post and I still have my motorcycles. Life has switched a gear these last two years for one reason I have never mentioned. It all comes down to my Daughter and the fury of softball games that has slowed my adventures to a halt. Anyone who has a kid on a travel ball team knows that you are either driving, eating or sitting at a field all weekend every weekend and that called summer. This season I have been lucky and the coach let me help keep the practices running smooth and also to get on the field and help with first base. My daughter is not fond of me coaching first base and actually today I ticked her off. Teenage girl not hustling to first base and letting her know in front of everyone nearby. I wont go any further than half-assing  is something I don't appreciate. In the end win or lose, you have to make it fun and sometime it's weird and something else.

Hotel room boredom......

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