The lovely view of I-80 heading to the Indiana border!!! Today's ride was a test run of a route of MAD MAPS design on there Chicago day trips. It begins in the area of Indiana dunes on RT.12 and runs all the way up to the ST.Joes and Benton Harbor area.
Jim on his klr on RT.12 and my camera was not happy and left me with a blurry picture........

This is what you do with a blurry pic, you have fun with it!!

Hanging out just north of the Warren Dunes warming up on coffee and hot chocolate.
Did I mention the day started out at 40 degrees. It did get warmer after 10am.

All the yachts pulled and winterized. Note: the brick road out to the ST.Joes light house, you can't tell but the road was very wavy.

ST.Joes light house is located in Tiscornia park. N42 06.919 W86 29.240

This guy was nut's, I love my toy's and activity's but it was 50 degrees and the wind chill had to be 40 degrees. The positive side for him was he had the place to himself.

That runway is the original way out to the lighthouse. It's about twenty plus feet above the water. That would be a tough walk in ten below zero in the snow.

Even gang members love the light house!! :)

Jim very sad we could not go into the lighthouse..

Stooges only about a half mile from the lighthouse and pretty good burger. Was recommed my Mad Maps..

What better place to knock out two birds with one stone..

I don't think I would want to taste the BBQ!

The route suggested from Mad Maps was good on the way up the lakefront. The return route brought us down through some really crappy neighbor hoods. Also some very slow and congested large towns. The good part was it was cool out so we didn't have to sweat through all the stop and go.
I have a Mad Map from the Deals gap area and it's night and day between how the routes are done. For the Chicago day trip I give the two routes I tried a D- for both running into congested areas. Also they didn't list things to see anywhere near the route Don't spend money on buying it.
The Deals Gap version is worth every penny. I've done two of the routes on that map and were a blast. They list gas stations and plenty of food options. Next year I'm hoping to head down there again and knock out two more of the suggestions.
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